Criterion Project #2: CHARADE (1963)

Film: Charade Year: 1963 Director: Stanley Donen The second feature in this long voyage is a classic, crowd-pleasing, twisting, turning, hey-I-thought-Alfred-Hitchcock-directed-this, riotous romp with a so-creepy-even-the-film-knows-it romance between old man Cary Grant and pretty young thing Audrey Hepburn. It's always a pleasure to re-visit Charade. What other film features a scene with Walter Matthau battling … Continue reading Criterion Project #2: CHARADE (1963)

Criterion Project #1: TOKYO DRIFTER (1966)

Film: Tokyo Drifter Year: 1966 Director: Seijun Suzuki Well this project is kicking off with a literal bang! The lucky winner of the grand randomization is the slick, Japanese New Wave gem, Tokyo Drifter. This was a pleasing experience to kick things off. I remember watching Seijun Suzuki's Tokyo Drifter back around the time I … Continue reading Criterion Project #1: TOKYO DRIFTER (1966)